Saturday, 3 May 2014

Sourdough rye and whole wheat crackers

When you are growing your sourdough starter, you need to discard half of it and feed the leftover with more flour and water. So what to do with all the discarded sourdough starter when you are growing your sourdough? Do you throw it away? It's perfectly edible flour that has been fermented. I keep a big bottle of it in the fridge to stop it from fermenting further.

Found this recipe at The Fresh Loaf.

50g whole wheat flour
20ml coconut oil
0.9g salt
100g discarded sourdough starter at 100% hydration (50g flour/50g water)

Mix the whole wheat flour with salt, then mix in the coconut oil. Add in the sourdough starter and mix well. Leave it overnight until risen in a warm place. My house is around 30C all year round.

All ingredients mixed

Fermented overnight and risen. See the bubbles.

The next day, take out the dough and roll it out as thin as possible and evenly with a rolling pin. Then cut up the thin dough into squares using a pizza cutter. I use a "special" rolling pin to control the thickness I want. :)

Rolled as thinly and evenly as possible and cut.

Special rolling pin that can control the thickness of the dough

Bake it in the oven at temperature of 175C convection mode. Rotate your tray at around 7 to 8 minutes if your oven heat is not even. As mine is very thin, it is done in 14 minutes. So, monitor it closely to prevent the crackers from being burnt. Noticed the edges are darker than the middle.

The crackers will shrink once they are done

Keep in airtight container to maintain the freshness and crisp.

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